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Naturecure Academy offer the only professional online Live Blood Analysis training designed to take you from beginner to Certified Live Blood Analyst.
Our course was significantly updated in 2019, offering the most up-to-date training on the market, and is based on the expertise gained from teaching students for over 12 years.
Join our community of nutritionists & health practitioners, and become part of the rewarding and fast growing field of Blood Analysis!
Join students from
29 countries worldwide
Email info@naturecureacademy.com or call +44 (0)1273 569130

Accredited by
Certified by
Live Blood Analysis Training Online
Start whenever you like, work at your own pace, learn anywhere in the world.
Shirah Mustardé BA Hons DipNN, Course Director
Our web-based professional Blood Analysis certification course follows an on-demand modular format made up of:
Over 12 hours of video theory lectures and practical video demonstrations.
3 pre-reading modules.
Lots of practise exercises designed to gradually build your confidence in the various techniques required.
Full support & mentoring from your tutor & other experienced analysts.
Totally flexible - no need to wait for a class series to begin. Learning LDBA should fit in with your life, not the other way around!
Our course covers all aspects of blood analysis - both Live (darkfield cell microscopy) & Dry (oxidative stress testing).
Suitable for students from around the world who want to study blood analysis, our growing analyst community includes students from United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland amongst many others.
Buying a Microscope
Live Blood Analysis requires a special type of microscope, known as a darkfield microscope.
There are many different versions available but some are definitely better than others for LDBA …. so how do we choose?
Click here for lots of advice about Live Blood Analysis Microscopes and details about the ones that we recommend to our students.
Darkfield Microscope
1-to-1 Training
As well as offering our world-class Online Live & Dry Blood Analysis training, we also offer more exclusive training sessions (in person or remotely) with our Academy LDBA Course Director.
Whether you are an existing student of ours struggling with a specific aspect of analysing blood, someone who has been trained elsewhere but wants to brush up on their skills, or you simply want to continue your growth as a blood analyst, personal tutoring may be for you.
We can discuss any concerns you might have, go through an analysis together, or resolve any technical problems you might be having.... it is up to you!
Click here to learn more.
What is Live & Dry Blood Analysis?
Live & Dry Blood Analysis (LDBA) is an holistic health assessment tool, that involves examining a drop of blood under a microscope and interpreting the information it gives us about the body. This can then be used to guide us towards optimum health.
Live Blood Sample
During ‘Live’ blood analysis (also known as Live Blood Microscopy or Live Blood Cell Analysis) a drop of fresh capillary blood is viewed in its live state (not oxidised, preserved, treated or stained with chemicals) under a microscope. It is magnified 1000x in order to view the condition of the blood cells and the plasma and reveal any other contents of the blood that can be signs of imbalance.
Dry Blood Sample
‘Dry’ blood analysis (also known as the Oxidative Stress Test or Dried Blood Layer Analysis) is when a drop of blood is left to clot and dry on a slide, leaving patterns that are indicative of various imbalances such as metal toxicity or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
What is Blood Analysis used for?
LDBA can identify specific nutrients that may be lacking, give indications of stress in certain organs, and assess levels of inflammation, oxidation or toxicity. It can also help determine digestive capacity and health of the microbiome, as well as indicate the general state of health in the tissues of the body (known as the ‘internal terrain’).
A skilled practitioner can use the results of this analysis to gain a deeper understanding of what may be happening within the body of a client, get to the root cause of symptoms and offer advice that is aimed at supporting the body’s natural drive for optimum health.
Can LDBA be used to diagnose disease?
Only qualified doctors can diagnose disease. Blood tests generally are only a screening process to pickup various imbalances that can be detected through the blood. This also applies to Live & Dry Blood Analysis.
Is LDBA based on scientific research?
Yes. LDBA was pioneered by scientists in the 18th & 19th Centuries such as Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard, and has continued to be developed ever since. In parts of Europe it is used extensively by integrative medical practitioners.
Join Our LBA Community
( even if you aren’t a student yet! )
If you are interested in studying LBA you are invited to join our open Facebook Group 'Learning Live Blood Analysis’.
This is an exciting forum where beginners and experienced practitioners swap news, ask for advice and discuss issues relevant to the field of Live & Dry Blood Analysis.
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube Channel ‘Learning Live Blood Analysis’ includes excerpts from our training course, some clips of blood under the microscope, and tips and insight from our Course Director.
We also have a regular Live Blood Analysis blog covering all sorts of subjects related to the field of LBA & nutrition - for notifications make sure to join our newsletter (see below).